Why everyone should learn Linux?
Getting straight to point.
- It makes you self sufficient
- It is free and will stay free forever
- It is not bloated and usually very efficient
- You can run Linux on old computers
- Highly customisable
- If you are a computer science student then you anyways cannot escape it, it is expected that you know Linux
- You will learn how computers work
- The world will be a better place
- Linux is not difficult. There are many flavours of Linux
- You just need to get used to it
- You don't even need to learn commands but it is always good to know them
- The last reason is the most important - it looks cool
How to get started?
- Find old Laptop and install Linux on it
- You can buy Raspberry Pi
- If you are on Mac you alrady have Linux
- If you are on Windows 10 then enable Windows Subsystem for Linux
- AWS has a free tier for one year