Starting new month
Today was a productive day. I finally upgraded my site to Drupal 8.8.5 and it feels good to do something that brings value. Altough it took me less than 10mins to upgrade the site on production because few days back I upgraded it on local and all I had to do it push to code to staging and then production.
These days I am a bit confused with whether I should post updates here on this site or my main site. I am actually doing some changes to my main site. I am trying to make courses with videos and tests. I already have plenty of videos on YouTube but I want people to follow a track. So I am making courses on my site where I want a guided way for people to follow. It would be mostly videos and some articles but in the end there will be tests as well to validate the knowledge.
About the confusion. I think I will post updates here more often. Mostly random updates. The whole idea behind was for me to make post easily without much effort.
Have a nice day Ravi.