Mastering Drupal
Table of Contents
- 1. Setup LAMP on Alma Linux
- 1.1. Make sure system is up to do
- 1.2. Add user
- 1.3. Add user to the wheel group for sudo privileges
- 1.4. Generate key pair
- 1.5. Copy your local public key to the server
- 1.6. Log off from root and login with the new user
- 1.7. Secure ssh remote root logins
- 1.8. Setup firewall
- 1.9. Install and enable Apache
- 1.10. Make your pages available to public
- 1.11. Install Mariadb
- 1.12. Install PHP 8
- 1.13. Create vhost
- 1.14. DocumentRoot and Apache permissions
- 1.15. Initial test
- 2. TODO Setup LAMP on Arch for Drupal development on local computer drupal
- 3. Install Composer
- 4. Move existing site to drupal-composer/drupal-project
- 5. Correct file permissions
- 6. Most common modules needed on a new site
- 7. Drupal errors and issues
- 8. Update Drupal using composer with a proper development workflow
- 9. Modules
- 10. Bootstrap
- 11. Bulk delete content of specific type
- 12. Setup ecommerce
- 13. Simulate emails
1 Setup LAMP on Alma Linux
1.1 Make sure system is up to do
sudo dnf clean all sudo dnf install epel-release sudo dnf update
1.1.1 Error while updating: GPG check FAILED
sudo dnf update --nogpgcheck
1.2 Add user
adduser username passwd username
1.3 Add user to the wheel group for sudo privileges
usermod -aG wheel username
1.4 Generate key pair
1.5 Copy your local public key to the server
ssh-copy-id username@SERVER_IP_ADDRESS
1.6 Log off from root and login with the new user
After this you can login to the server using ssh username@SERVER_IP_ADDRESS
1.7 Secure ssh remote root logins
- Open the file
sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- Change from yes to no:
PermitRootLogin no
- Restart SSH:
sudo systemctl restart sshd
1.8 Setup firewall
sudo dnf install firewalld sudo systemctl start firewalld sudo systemctl enable firewalld
1.8.1 Error: ERROR: 'python-nftables' failed: internal:0:0-0: Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory
- Open the file
vi /etc/firewalld/firewalld.conf
- Change the line to iptables:
- Restart firewalld:
systemctl restart firewalld
This also didn't work.
1.9 Install and enable Apache
sudo dnf install httpd httpd-tools sudo systemctl start httpd sudo systemctl enable httpd sudo systemctl status httpd
Main configuration is /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
and default DocumentRoot is /var/www/html
1.9.1 Apache modules
We just need to install additional module for php and mysql on Alma Linux.
1.10 Make your pages available to public
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https sudo firewall-cmd --reload
1.11 Install Mariadb
sudo dnf install mariadb-server mariadb sudo systemctl start mariadb sudo systemctl enable mariadb sudo mysql_secure_installation
1.12 Install PHP 8
Check available versions.
sudo dnf module list php sudo dnf module enable php:8.1 sudo dnf install php php-fpm php-zip php-intl php-opcache php-gd php-mbstring php-gd php-xml php-mysqlnd
1.12.1 PHP modules
Installed above. We just need to install on Alma Linux
1.13 Create vhost
Create a file ~ sudo emacs /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhost.conf~.
Content of this file.
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin ServerName #localhost for testin ServerAlias www.sparxsys.local #localhost for testing DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/" ErrorLog "/var/www/html/" CustomLog "/var/www/html/" common <Directory "/var/www/html/"> Require all granted AllowOverride All </Directory> </VirtualHost>
Create the directories.
sudo mkdir -p /var/www/html/{public_html/web,logs}
Check everything works so far using apachectl configtest
1.14 DocumentRoot and Apache permissions
Create a group and add users to it.
sudo groupadd webadmin sudo usermod -aG webadmin ravisagar
Change ownership of document root directory.
sudo chown root:webadmin /var/www/html/
This didn't work for me so I had to make myself as the owner.
sudo chown ravisagar:ravisagar /var/www/html/
Change permissions of the document root directory.
sudo chmod 2775 /var/www/html/ -R
1.15 Initial test
Place a file in the following location.
echo "Hello" > /var/www/html/
I had to open the file separately to do it.
Also place info.php
in this location.
echo "<?php phpinfo(); ?>" > /var/www/html/
2 TODO Setup LAMP on Arch for Drupal development on local computer drupal
The following setup is for local Drupal development. Source:
2.1 Install Apache and start it
sudo pacman -S apache systemctl start httpd.service
Main configuration is /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
and default DocumentRoot is /srv/http
Check apache configurations using apachectl configtest
2.2 Create user home directory (optional)
mkdir ~/public_html touch ~/public_html/index.html echo "Ravi's home" >> ~/public_html/index.html chmod o+x ~ chmod o+x ~/public_html chmod -R o+r ~/public_html systemctl restart httpd.service
Now you can access your personal home page at localhost/~ravisagar
2.3 TLS (not on local computer)
In /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
, uncomment the following three lines:
LoadModule ssl_module modules/ LoadModule modules/ Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
If using Certbot (certbot –apache), the following line needs to be uncommented as well:
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
After obtaining a key and certificate, make sure the SSLCertificateFile and SSLCertificateKeyFile lines in /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
point to the key and certificate. If a concatenated chain of CA certificates was also generated, add that filename against SSLCertificateChainFile.
2.4 Virtual hosts
If you want to have more than one host, uncomment the following line in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
Content of the conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
If the setup if for local computer then ignore the ssl part.
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin ServerName sparxsys.local ServerAlias www.sparxsys.local DocumentRoot "/home/ravisagar/projects/sparxsys.local/public_html/web" ErrorLog "/home/ravisagar/projects/sparxsys.local/logs/error.log" CustomLog "/home/ravisagar/projects/sparxsys.local/logs/access.log" common <Directory "/home/ravisagar/projects/sparxsys.local/public_html/web"> Require all granted AllowOverride All </Directory> #RewriteEngine on #RewriteCond %{SERVER_NAME} [OR] #RewriteCond %{SERVER_NAME} #RewriteRule ^ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [END,NE,R=permanent] </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost *:443> ServerAdmin ServerName sparxsys.local ServerAlias www.sparxsys.local DocumentRoot "/home/ravisagar/projects/sparxsys.local/public_html/web" ErrorLog "/home/ravisagar/projects/sparxsys.local/logs/error.log" CustomLog "/home/ravisagar/projects/sparxsys.local/logs/access.log" common <Directory "/home/ravisagar/projects/sparxsys.local/public_html/web"> Require all granted </Directory> #RewriteEngine on #RewriteCond %{SERVER_NAME} [OR] #RewriteCond %{SERVER_NAME} #RewriteRule ^ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [END,NE,R=permanent] SSLEngine on Include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/ SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/ SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/ </VirtualHost>
2.5 Modify your /etc/hosts
and add your virtual hosts sparxsys.local 127.0.01 www.sparxsys.local
That is it, now you can open http://sparxsys.local/
in your browser
2.6 Install php
Just install php7 to be on the safer side.
sudo pacman -S php7 php7-apache php7-gd
For PHP8
sudo pacman -S php php-apache php-gd
In /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, comment the line:
#LoadModule mpm_event_module modules/
and uncomment the line:
LoadModule mpm_prefork_module modules/
Place this at the end of the LoadModule list:
LoadModule php7_module modules/ AddHandler php-script .php
For PHP8
LoadModule php_module modules/ AddHandler php-script .php
Place this at the end of the Include list:
Include conf/extra/php7_module.conf
For PHP8
Include conf/extra/php_module.conf
Check your php.ini
file in use using php --ini
Modify your /etc/php7/php.ini
and uncomment the following line.
extension=bcmath extension=gd extension=iconv extension=pdo_mysql zend_extension=opcache opcache.enable_cli=1 opcache.memory_consumption=128 opcache.interned_strings_buffer=8 opcache.max_accelerated_files=4000 opcache.revalidate_freq=60 upload_max_filesize = 10M post_max_size = 10M
Switch to php7 (if needed, didn't work properly though)
sudo rm /usr/bin/php sudo ln -s /usr/bin/php7 /usr/bin/php sudo rm /usr/bin/php-config sudo ln -s /usr/bin/php-config7 /usr/bin/php-config sudo rm /usr/bin/phpize sudo ln -s /usr/bin/phpize7 /usr/bin/phpize php -v
2.7 Install mysql
sudo pacman -S mariadb sudo mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql sudo systemctl start mariadb
Setup mysql
sudo mysql_secure_installation
Make sure you change the root password.
If you are not able to start mariadb then perform these steps.
systemctl stop mariadb sudo rm -R /var/lib/mysql/* sudo systemctl start mariadb
Create database
CREATE DATABASE db_ CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
2.8 MySQL performance settings
In the /etc/my.cnf
add the following lines.
[mysqld] transaction_isolation="READ-COMMITTED"
2.9 Test PHP works
echo "<?php phpinfo(); ?>" > test.php
Now go to http://localhost/~ravisagar/test.php
and check whether you see php version.
3 Install Composer
Follow the instructions here:
You may want to install it in ~/Downloads
. After following the instructions you will get composer.phar
which you can move to your /usr/local/bin
sudo mv ~/Downloads/composer /usr/local/bin/
On Arch you can also do it easily using.
sudo pacman -S composer
4 Move existing site to drupal-composer/drupal-project
Update: The following steps didn't work because I got error related to old modules. So I decided to install fresh Drupal.
You can move your existing site that you made without composer to drupal-composer.
4.1 Install new drupal site
composer create-project drupal-composer/drupal-project:9.x-dev public_html --no-interaction
Create config/sync
directory in composer root, inside publichtml.
Or if you are trying to upgrade from a bit old version of Drupal like for example version 8.6.3 to 9.3.0 then download a specific version of drupal.
composer create-project drupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-dev my_site_name_dir --no-interaction --no-install
Then modify your composer.json
and mention the drupal version.
"require": { ... "drupal/core": "8.6.*", ... },
4.2 Copy all custom themes, modules, files, and settings to the new project
Copy files
cp -a ~/webfaction-sites/sparxsys/var/www/html/ ~/projects/sparxsys.local/public_html/web/sites/default/files/
Copy settings.php and make sure database settings are correct.
cp ~/webfaction-sites/sparxsys/var/www/html/ ~/projects/sparxsys.local/public_html/web/sites/default/
Restore your database
mysql -u root -p db_local_sparxsys < ~/webfaction-sites/sparxsys/home/drupal/backup/
Install modules needed. Check in your existing Drupal installation. Install all the modules previously installed.
composer require drupal/metatag:* composer require drupal/pathalias:*
Using :*
at the end will make sure any installation version compatible with your drupal installation will be installed.
Install theme.
composer require drupal/bootstrap:*
Create directory for custom theme.
mkdir web/themes/custom
Move old subtheme to this directory.
cp -r ~/webfaction-sites/sparxsys/var/www/html/ ~/projects/sparxsys.local/public_html/web/themes/custom/
Add the following in your ravisagartheme/
core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9
Update db and clear cache
vendor/bin/drush updb vendor/bin/drush cache-rebuild
If you get error related to pathauto missing tables in the error log then create the table. Source:
CREATE TABLE `path_alias` ( `id` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `revision_id` INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, `uuid` VARCHAR(128) CHARACTER SET ASCII NOT NULL, `langcode` VARCHAR(12) CHARACTER SET ASCII NOT NULL, `path` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, `alias` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, `status` TINYINT(4) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `path_alias_field__uuid__value` (`uuid`), UNIQUE KEY `path_alias__revision_id` (`revision_id`), KEY `path_alias__status` (`status`,`id`), KEY `path_alias__alias_langcode_id_status` (`alias`(191),`langcode`,`id`,`status`), KEY `path_alias__path_langcode_id_status` (`path`(191),`langcode`,`id`,`status`) ) ENGINE=INNODB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='The base table for path_alias entities.'; CREATE TABLE `path_alias_revision` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `revision_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `langcode` varchar(12) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL, `path` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `alias` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL, `revision_default` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`revision_id`), KEY `path_alias__id` (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='The revision table for path_alias entities.';
CREATE TABLE `redirect` ( `rid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `uuid` varchar(128) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL, `language` varchar(12) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL, `hash` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, `uid` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The ID of the target entity.', `redirect_source__path` varchar(2048) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The source path', `redirect_source__query` longblob COMMENT 'Serialized array of path queries', `redirect_redirect__uri` varchar(2048) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The URI of the link.', `redirect_redirect__title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The link text.', `redirect_redirect__options` longblob COMMENT 'Serialized array of options for the link.', `status_code` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `created` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`rid`), UNIQUE KEY `redirect_field__uuid__value` (`uuid`), UNIQUE KEY `hash` (`hash`), KEY `redirect_field__uid__target_id` (`uid`), KEY `redirect_field__redirect_source__path` (`redirect_source__path`(50)), KEY `redirect_field__redirect_redirect__uri` (`redirect_redirect__uri`(30)), KEY `source_language` (`redirect_source__path`(191),`language`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=86 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='The base table for redirect entities.';
I usually check the sql file to get this database table query.
Update db and clear cache
vendor/bin/drush updb vendor/bin/drush cache-rebuild
4.3 Change site url for drush
Check current Drush configs
path and in the /public_html/vendor/drush/drush/drush.yml
file add the following.
uri: 'http://sparxsys.local'
5 Correct file permissions
chmod 755 /drupalroot Go inside drupal directory
find . -type d -exec sudo chmod 755 '{}' \; find . -type f -exec sudo chmod 644 '{}' \;
sudo chmod 777 -R sites/default/files/ sudo chmod 444 sites/default/settings.php
6 Most common modules needed on a new site
Very important modules that I use in all my sites.
pathauto token metatag Geshifilter pathologic google analytics xmlsitemap redirect
I use bootstrap, so let us install it.
Setup site
Create a user other than admin
Create Blog
Enable media and media library
Create Topics, add to the node
Add image field to Blog
Setup pathauto
Setup Metatag
Setup Google Analytics
7 Drupal errors and issues
7.1 index.php in the url
Install redirect module and make sure the "Enforce clean and canonical URLs." is checked
7.2 How To Solve Your lock file does not contain a compatible set of packages Please run composer update Error?
composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
7.3 Composer memory errors
Run the command prefixing with giving unlimited memory to composer.
COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer remove drupal-composer/drupal-scaffold
7.4 Scaffold error
sudo composer selfupdate --1 composer remove drupal-composer/drupal-scaffold sudo composer selfupdate --2 composer require drupal-composer/drupal-scaffold
7.5 Attempting to re-run cron while it is already running
This can be annoying but there are two possible fixes.
This one I think works on Drupal 9.
drush php-eval "\Drupal::lock()->release('cron');"
For older versions of Drupal prior to 9 try this.
DELETE FROM semaphore WHERE name = 'cron';
8 Update Drupal using composer with a proper development workflow
Keeping your Drupal site updated is important. Doing it with Composer is easy but it has to be done properly. In this blog let me share the steps I follow to update Drupal using a proper development workflow. These are the steps. Enjoy.
8.1 Recommended setup
We all have different ways of working. This setup works really well for me because I am the only developer working on this site.
- Local site: www.ravisagar.test
This is for significant development work like adding a new module, design changes or some major functionality.
- Staging site:
Only for testing.
- Live site:
Always has the most recent content like new blogs, new images. Sometimes I do some small css changes directly on live.
8.2 Upgrade a Drupal site
These are the steps involed in upgrading a Drupal site.
8.2.1 Refresh local with production data and configurations
I do lot of small changes and tweaks directly on production and of course production has latest content as well. So from time to time I refresh my local with production but I also do this when I have to upgrade a site.
- Take mysqldump of production database and save it in
mysqldump -u root -p db_live_ravisagar > web/sites/default/files/database/2022-12-28_db_live_ravisagar.sql tar -czvf /var/www/html/ -C /var/www/html/ 2022-12-28_db_live_ravisagar.sql
-C option will make the tar first change to the target directory. It is useful because this will remove the preceding path when the tar.gz is expanded.
- Git push (it won't have files directory). Do this if you installed new module directly on production or done some changes to the theme css.
- Go to local and rsync files directory (that has images and latest database). Change the path accordingly.
rsync --dry-run -av user@production:/PATH_TO_LIVE_SITE/sites/default/files/ files/ rsync -av settings.php
- Now local has
directory from live. - Restore database. Now local has live database.
- Perform
git pull
and it will have any modules or theme changes done on production. - Run
composer install
(if you installed any module on production). I always run this. Just in case. - Clear cache
vendor/bin/drupal cache:rebuild all
- Now you have local running as same configuration and content from production.
8.2.2 Update Drupal on local
First check this page for up to date information.
Match composer version
sudo composer selfupdate --1
Core steps here:
STEP 1: Change file permissions
chmod 777 web/sites/default chmod 666 web/sites/default/*settings.php chmod 666 web/sites/default/*services.yml
STEP ": Put site in maitenance mode and clear cache.
vendor/bin/drush state:set system.maintenance_mode 1 vendor/bin/drush cache:rebuild
Update modules using composer to make them compatible with Drupal 9. Check modules that needs an update.
composer outdated "drupal/*"
For minor version upgrade do this for each module.
COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer update drupal/address --with-dependencies COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer update drupal/adstxt --with-dependencies COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer update drupal/bootstrap --with-dependencies COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer update drupal/console --with-dependencies COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer update drupal/ctools --with-dependencies COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer update drupal/easy_install --with-dependencies COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer update drupal/geofield drupal/geofield_map drupal/geshifilter --with-dependencies COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer update drupal/h5p drupal/indieweb drupal/metatag drupal/metatag_views drupal/pathologic drupal/protected_pages drupal/redirect drupal/restui drupal/scheduler drupal/smtp drupal/token drupal/views_slideshow drupal/xmlrpc drupal/xmlsitemap --with-dependencies
For major version upgrade do this for each module.
COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer require drupal/checklistapi:^2.0.0 COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer require drupal/devel:^4.1.3 COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer require drupal/devel_entity_updates:^3.0.1 COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer require drupal/exif:^2.2.0 COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer require drupal/field_token_value:^2.0.1 COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer require drupal/geolocation:^3.7.0 COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer require drupal/honeypot:^2.0.2 COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer require drupal/oembed_providers:^2.0.0
drush updb
Verify if the project uses drupal/core-recommended or drupal/core.
Run composer show drupal/core-recommended
If drupal/core-recommended is installed, this command returns information about the package.
If drupal/core-recommended is not installed, this command returns "Package drupal/core-recommended not found".
If you are running on Drupal 8.8.5 and above then this should work.
composer update drupal/core "drupal/core-*" --with-all-dependencies
drush updatedb
vendor/bin/drupal cache:rebuild all
If you want to upgrade to 8.9.0 first then do this.
COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer require drupal/core-recommended:^8.9.0 --update-with-dependencies --no-update
composer update
drush updb
drush cache:rebuild
If you are on Drupal 9.3 then upgrade to 9.5.9. This is recommended as per this page:
composer update "drupal/core-*" --with-all-dependencies --with=drupal/core-recommended:~9.5.9 --with=drupal/core-composer-scaffold:~9.5.9 --ignore-platform-req=php+
drush updb
drush cache:rebuild
I received an error due to php 8.2 and had to use --ignore-platform-req=php+
. Remove --dry-run
once there are no blocking errors.
I also received an error related to insert
module while performing database updates.
composer require drupal/insert --ignore-platform-req=php+ vendor/bin/drush en insert vendor/bin/drush pmu insert composer remove drupal/insert --ignore-platform-req=php+
STEP 2.1 Upgrade contrib modules. First check what modules have update available.
composer outdated "drupal/*"
Then for each of the available module where update is avalable do this.
composer update drupal/bootstrap --with-dependencies --ignore-platform-req=php+ drush updb drush cache:rebuild
STEP 2.2 Also uninstall deprecated modules and themes.
For Drupal 9.5.9 to 10.0. If you are using drupal/core-recommended:
composer update "drupal/core-*" --with-all-dependencies --dry-run
If you receive error that no update available then do this.
composer require 'drupal/core-recommended:^10' 'drupal/core-composer-scaffold:^10' 'drupal/core-project-message:^10' --update-with-dependencies --no-update
STEP 3: Or to a specific Drupal 10 version of 10.0.9. This is mentioned here:
composer require drupal/core-recommended:10.0.9 drupal/core-composer-scaffold:10.0.9 drupal/core-project-message:10.0.9 --update-with-all-dependencies --no-update
STEP 3.1 Uninstall seven theme
And then try update again.
composer update "drupal/core-*" --with-all-dependencies --dry-run
STEP 4: If this doesn't work then just do.
composer update
STEP 5: Revert permissions
chmod 755 web/sites/default chmod 644 web/sites/default/*settings.php chmod 644 web/sites/default/*services.yml
STEP 6: Modify theme
In my ravisagar bootstrap theme I had to change to Core: 10.x
and core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9 || ^10
If you are not able to upgrade the this command can help.
composer why-not drupal/core 10.0.9
I had issues with guzzle and get list of requirements
composer show --no-dev --direct --name-only | xargs
and then use the output from this command to run this.
composer require composer/installers cweagans/composer-patches drupal/bootstrap drupal/console drupal/core-composer-scaffold drupal/core-recommended drupal/devel_generate drupal/google_analytics drupal/metatag drupal/pathauto drupal/redirect drush/drush vlucas/phpdotenv webflo/drupal-finder zaporylie/composer-drupal-optimizations --update-with-dependencies
Now mosy likely you will encounter this error "The entitytype and fieldname fields on Comment entities are now required and should not be NULL".
Find the comments where these fields are null. This is an example database query which should return the comment IDs.
SELECT cid FROM comment_field_data WHERE field_name IS NULL OR entity_type IS NULL;
Delete the comments you just found, by browsing to{commentid}/delete for each comment returned by the query.
Then try drush updb
If the above command doesn't work then find what is blocking it.
COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer prohibits drupal/core 9.3.0
Update Composer back to 2
sudo composer selfupdate --2
In composer.json Remove all lines drupal/core*** except drupal/core-recommended and drupal/core-composer-scaffold. Those two will require all other stuff, the superfluent drupal/core*** just make future upgrading harder.
You may also need to remove drupal/core-dev
from the require-dev
For upgrading to Drupal 9. Source:
COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer require drupal/core-recommended:^9.3.0 drupal/core-composer-scaffold:^9.3.0 drupal/core:^9.3.0 drush/drush:^10.6 symfony/yaml:^4.4.34 drupal/views_responsive_grid:^ --update-with-dependencies --no-update
composer update
drush updatedb
vendor/bin/drupal cache:rebuild all
Install these modules post upgrade
composer require 'drupal/h5p:2.0@alpha' composer require 'drupal/geshifilter:2.0@beta'
composer remove drupal/geocoder composer require drupal/geocoder composer require geocoder-php/google-maps-provider COMPOSERMEMORYLIMIT=-1 composer require drupal/googleanalytics:4.0.0
Keep on trying the above command until all the missing modules are installed. Remove them from composer.json.
Also refer to this page for up to date information on how to update Drupal using Composer.
8.2.3 Config export
If you did configuration changes on local site then you need to export them and import them later on production.
vendor/bin/drupal config:export
You can also do it from the UI. Later use the same command to import.
vendor/bin/drupal config:import
Personally I haven't used it yet, because I hardly add any configuration on local and then push to production. I also refresh local database from live from time to time.
8.2.4 Commit your updated Drupal site to the repository
Now you have local running on updated Drupal site with latest content and files from live. Celebrate!
git add .
git commit -m "updating to Drupal 9.3.0"
git push
8.2.5 Test your newly updated site on staging
Composer update on production.
I didn't need to update composer on production, I guess because on staging/production I am only going to run composer install
. BTW on production ideally run ~ composer install –no-dev~ so that it won't install dev modules on production, but not me, because I like living on the edge.
Time to test your site on staging. Good opportunity to make sure it works on production environment.
- Go to your staging directory and bring the files from the repository by doing
git pull
- Also bring the new files from production site.
rsync --dry-run -avv user@production:/PATH_TO_LIVE_SITE/sites/default/files/ /PATH_TO_STAGING_SITE/sites/default/files/
- From the
directory restore the mysql database on staging - At this staging you have latest files from production, latest database from production and latest upgrade code from local which usually in the
files. The last thing you need to do on staging is to use composer to bring new files need for the update. - Add the following line in
and comment the previous array for sync.
sudo chmod 777 web/sites/default/settings.php
$settings["config_sync_directory"] = '../config/sync'; //$config_directories['sync'] = '../config/sync';
sudo chmod 444 web/sites/default/settings.php
composer install drush updb vendor/bin/drupal cache:rebuild all
Now your staging is updated.
8.2.6 Update your live.
Ready to update live? Lets do it.
git pull composer install drush updatedb vendor/bin/drupal cache:rebuild all
Simple right? Your live already has the latest database and files. We just need to bring the latest updated composer.json
and composer.lock
, along with any other changes to theme that you may have done on local.
Now time to open a beer and celebrate.
8.3 Letsencrypt certificate
Just follow this tutorial and you are done:
yum install certbot yum -y install certbot-apache
Install certificate using the command.
sudo certbot --apache
It will make changes to the following files for you.
sudo emacs /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhost-le-ssl.conf
It will also add redirect (if you choose) in the following file.
9 Modules
9.1 Configure domain module
Install it like usual using composer.
- Create domain
- Change your apache configuration to point your additional domain to the same document root as your primary one
- Make sure you add the additional domain in the your settings.php under
9.2 DONE Let us learn how to configure insert module video
It is one of my favourite module because it makes life so easy when working with images.
- Install it as usual
composer require drupal/insert
. - Enable the module
vendor/bin/drush pm:enable insert
. - Go to the Administration | Structure | Content types | "Your content type" | Manage form display.
- For the image field use "Image Insert" and also click on the cog and select all styles. When all the styles are selected then while using insert for an image the styles are available to select.
- Enjoy the module, it will create proper links to images and save lot of your time.
10 Bootstrap
I use bootstrap theme, I quite like it. Learn about grid system here:
The grid is divided into 12 parts.
In your view or custom HTML use the following.
col-sm-6: 2 columns col-sm-3: 4 columns col-sm-4: 3 columns
11 Bulk delete content of specific type
There are various ways of doing it.
11.1 Using drush
vendor/bin/drush entity:delete node --bundle=rfp
12 Setup ecommerce
12.1 Installation
composer require 'drupal/commerce:^2.35'
12.2 Enable the modules
vendor/bin/drush en commerce vendor/bin/drush en commerce_cart vendor/bin/drush en commerce_checkout commerce_promotion commerce_payment commerce_payment_example commerce_log
12.3 Error: Commerce requires the BC Math PHP extension.
In the /etc/php/
uncomment the line extension=bcmath
12.4 Configure commerce
12.4.1 Add a store
12.4.2 Add a tax type
12.4.3 Install commerce registration
composer require 'drupal/commerce_registration:^3.0@beta'
12.4.4 First let us configure the registration module
vendor/bin/drush en registration vendor/bin/drush en registration_purger registration_scheduled_action registration_waitlist registration_workflow
12.4.5 Error: Entity queries must explicitly set whether the query should be access checked or not
I manually applied the fix as per
13 Simulate emails
On local server you may want to test emails.
composer require 'drupal/maillog:^1.0'
Disable on production