Jira and Confluence updgrade initial checks
Initial checks on the server.
- Go to the official documenation.
- You should be doing an upgrade first on a test environment.
- Latest dump or restore or refresh of production.
- There is enough space on the server.
- First start taking backups of database, install directory and home directory.
- Check crontab, just in case to know any regular jobs.
- Check for existing backup scripts.
- Make sure the user has root or sudo rights.
- The server should have all the tools and utilities to perform the upgrade activities like tar, mysqldump, pgdump, cp, tail, less, vi, nano, emacs, etc
- The server should have network connectivity to download atlassian application files or ask your server administrator to give you those files.
- Check the availability of the necessary packages in the repo or check if those packages can be built from the sources.
- Ensure that you have a rollback procedure. If things go wrong, can you roll back from the backups you took or check for the possibilities of taking snapshots.
- Ensure that the services that are no longer needed are disabled.
- Do maintain a runbook.
- In your runbook keep all the paths and necessary information handy that you need to access quickly.
That is it for today :)